
In every moment breath moves inside of us; blood is pumping; cells are replicating; and billions of other biological activities are taking place without our conscious assistance. It stands to reason then that the wisdom that is keeping us alive also has the ability to heal us.

Barbara A. Mahler

For over 30 years Barbara Mahler, NBC-HWC, LAc, Dipl OM (NCCAOM) has helped people uncover their strengths and healing potential.

  • In the first group to pass the certifying exam to become National Board Certified in Health and Wellness
  • Certified by Apollo Health as a Health Coach since 2018
  • Certified by Wellcoaches International
  • Studied with Dr.Kharrazian, Dr. Bland and other luminaries in the field of Functional Medicine and practiced for over 25 years.
  • Trained by Dr. Amen as a Certified Brain Health Coach (http://danielamenmd.com/)
  • National Board Certified in Oriental Medicine for 30+ years to practice holistic nutrition, herbal medicine, meditation movement, coaching and acupuncture.
  • Graduated with honors from Emperor’s School of Traditional Oriental Medicine in 1987
  • An avid student she recognizes the need to continually grow and learn from the field of Positive Psychology, Functional Medicine, Meditation masters in the fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Japanese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Coaching, and Peace
  • Author of the Tween Fantasy Novel, The Hole in the Sky about the Journey Through Loss of a 13 year-old-girl who finds herself in a magic world where she is the one destined to rescue the baby prince from an evil War-Lord.

Barbara currently works in the Asheville area and through tele-medicine throughout the country. She currently specializes in supporting the brain health of her clients. She was one of the first Acupuncturists in Boulder, Colorado where she practiced holistic medicine for over 30 years with a focus on internal medicine. She has been on the leading edge of combining the time honored benefits of Traditional Oriental Medicine with Modern Natural Medicine in such field as Cancer Support, Auto-Immune Support and Brain Health. She recognizes the benefits of bringing together the best of all medicines and working as a team member to support her clients.

In 2018 she moved to Barbara the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with her husband. She is a perennial beginner on the banjo; loves to write, hike, and swim; and still spends a lot of time studying the miraculous workings of the human body. She is a long time meditator who continues to mine the profound depth of the human spirit.

“I have been going to Barbara for almost 20 years and I find her knowledge, care and personality extraordinary. She has cared for me through some significant challenges including breast cancer, chemo, and giant cell arteritis. Barbara is proficient in Eastern techniques and Western Holistic Medicine. She works with my doctors, helps me understand various test results and may suggest other tests. She is easy to talk to, has a compassionate heart and provides an environment of peace and comfort. I am grateful for her care and recommend her highly.” 

– Deborah K. Smith