Barbara’s Pearls
Becoming Empowered
When the “baby boomer” women hit menopause we refused to sit quietly and sweat. We educated ourselves and applied what we learned. I hope that this same generation will look at the looming Alzheimers threat and refuse to fade into a nursing home without doing everything we can to maintain and even improve our health. Though I’ve been combining Traditional Oriental Medicine with Functional Nutrition, and seen first hand the improvements in people’s health, I honestly didn’t know if this same approach would work for brain health. There is so much doom and gloom around Alzheimer’s disease that I didn’t question my own assumptions.
I studied Dr. Pearlmutter’s book, Grain Brain, and found hope in his ideas, but when I read Dr. Breseden’s book, The End of Alzheimer’s, and his success with early cognitive decline, I decided to invest my time into helping people with their brain health. I studied with Dr. Breseden and became an MPI Qualified Practitioner. I am combining that with years of experience using Traditional Oriental Medicine and offering these tools to my clients.
Now, more than ever, it’s time to become empowered with information. It’s time to question the niggling voices in our head that tell us, Oh well, see, you’re starting to lose it; Being in pain is just a part of aging; or Your mother has Alzheimer’s Disease, so it’s inevitable.
If you think that you’re going to get Alzheimer’s Disease, and nothing you do will make a difference, then you won’t see a reason to incorporate the lifestyle changes that are being shown to help with cognitive decline. If you understand that your genes are not your destiny, then you will see a reason to take the next step, and the next step, and the next step… You will become empowered to live a healthy life.
In this blog I want to share the pearls of knowledge that will help you have a healthy brain, but, reading is not enough. You must apply this information to make a difference.
I hope you enjoy