“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.” – Albert Einstein
Have you ever noticed that when you are shopping for a car you start seeing that vehicle all over town. It’s not that there are suddenly more Subarus, Toyotas or Audis. It’s actually that our brains are constantly sifting through the vast amount of information that it takes in in every moment, and focusing on things that are of interest to us or things that reaffirm who we think we are.
We can use this to our advantage to access our inner healer. One tool that helps is to create a Wellness Vision. This is a statement of who your best self is and what health promoting, life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently. This is an opportunity to identify what’s working now, what your strengths are, and to stop and visualize what it would be like to be in that vision. This is a chance to step out of the maze of problems and into the infinite realm of possibilities.
I recommend taking time out of your day-to-day life when you work on this. Sit in silence for a moment and get in touch with the gratitude for being alive, and then create your vision. There is no right or wrong to this and it’s okay to change it over time.
Read this vision often. You can post it over your desk or by the sink and then notice what health creating things catch your attention. Maybe you’ll be drawn to a yoga class or a walk in nature. Maybe a big salad or a funny movie. Maybe you’ll simply say “I love you” to someone you care about.
“The greatest healer is seated right inside each of us and in many cases we need to get out of the way in order to thrive. We need real food, rest and times of inner stillness. Love and joy and appreciation have a profound effect on our health. Even our expectations influence our well-being. I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”
– Albert Einstein
June 15 my new phone number will be:
828 484-9298
Barbara Mahler, LAc
PO Box 2687
Weaverville, NC 28787
I am receiving inquiries about my availability for phone consults. I am happy to provide care and consultation. We’ve been remodeling our home for the past few weeks and living in a motor home, but we are moving in this weekend.
I feel nourished and happy in the beautiful green hills of Western North Carolina. I am meeting lots of wonderful people. I have completed the class with Dr. Breseden on brain health and my new website should be up and running soon: vitalbraincoaching.com.
“The rain is falling lightly on the buildings and the cars,
I’ve said good-bye to city friends, department stores, and bars.
The lights of town are at my back, my heart is full of stars,
And I’m gonna be a country girl again.”
– Buffy Saint Marie
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
– Barbara
The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace the relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge from research and experience of B. Mahler, LAc.
Barbara A. Mahler, LAc practices Acupuncture, Traditional Oriental Medicine, Functional Nutrition and Wellness Coaching.